Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Dear Friends and Family,
Another school year at Trinity Bible School (TBS) in the Philippines has already begun. We know as God brings each new student, we have the privilege and the responsibility to train the student to be a more effective witness for Christ. God only knows how He will use each graduate to touch his or her generation for Christ.
The following is the testimony of Shekinah, a young lady from the island of Palawan. Both her mother and father graduated from the Virac school before they were married over twenty years ago.
“Before I decided to study here in Bible School. I was studying in college, 1st year taking Business Administration Major in Marketing Management. But because of my eyes I get tired and hopeless, so I stopped attending my online classes without informing my parents. I stopped dreaming for something in my life in the future. I spent most of my time watching Korean dramas thinking that at least on the last days of my eyesight I could enjoy it. That mindset of mine is so wrong. Days passed when Pastor Boboy and Pastor Joey (from Virac) surprisingly came into our house. At first, I had no idea about their intention but then I learned that they were looking for students to study in bible school. After hearing that, the first thing that came into my mind is my friend Emely. Because she’s the one who’s really interested in going to bible school. My mother asked if I also wanted to study in the bible school. I was double minded at that time. I wanted to say yes but I can’t because I was afraid. I thought Catanduanes is too far. I was so confused. So, I decided to pray and ask God for His plan for me. One morning, I prayed and ask God for His message for me through His word. I read the Bible and I came to Mateo (Matthew) 19:29, “Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.” Then I made up my mind. I told My parents about my decision. To make the story short, I decided to go and now I am here. And all thanks to God for He never fails me. To God Be All the Glory.”
Shekinah’s parents graduated from our school, married, and now pastor a village church. It is a joy to know that now we can help prepare their daughter to do whatever God has called her to do!
The above is just one story of what you, together with us, are accomplishing as we Reap together.
Thank you for partnering with us as we join hands with God to see His kingdom expanded.
Nels, Lorrie and Amy

Pray With Us!
• For Miraculous healing of Shekinah’s eyesight.
• Strength and perseverance for all the students and staff while they continue to learn and minister.
• Increased openness for entry into the Philippines.
• Tickets for Lorrie and Nels to return to the Philippines.
• For great friends and staff that continue to work with us to keep the school growing and thriving.
• That the school continues to grow and have an impact on the lives of students and the community surrounding it.