Dear Friends and Family,
Lorrie and I just returned from Ireland. It was a great time of seeing two of our children, their spouses, and six of our grandchildren. We were VERY blessed by each of them! As an extra blessing, we had the opportunity to do some ministry. Lorrie and I participated in a leadership conference and spoke two of the Sunday services at the church where Noel and Heather pastor. As an additional blessing, our son Jeremy and his wife Nicole and family were able to visit on their way from Austria. We were able to pray over them as they prepared to go to Africa and begin the work God has called them to do.
It was our plan to continue from Ireland to the Philippines. Unfortunately, we are not able to enter the Philippines yet. We are hoping and praying that we will be able to go in October of this year. The school is doing great! We regularly communicate with the leadership though email and messenger. Both Lorrie and I are teaching classes via video in the interim.
Jordan, one of this year’s students, shared the following:
“I am a living proof of God’s goodness not because of what others are saying but because I personally saw how He moves and how His amazing grace manifested in me… many miracles have happened in my life that helped to shape and strengthen my faith in Him. Though I am experiencing those miracles and wonders, it is much more desire of my heart to believe in Him and to trust His ways in the good times or bad because He is true, and He is real.
I remember when I turned away from my old self. The impurities it gave me came out from my body…I was so grateful for the second life God had given me so that I can serve Him and He will use my life for His glory…Since I met and accepted Him, I will never hide what He has done and continuously doing in my life. This is one of the main reasons that keeps me strong and equipped to face every battle that is coming and will come as time passes by…In all these things, to God alone be the glory.”
It is because of students like Jordan we continue to spend our time and resources to train the next generation so that they can proclaim Jesus to their nation and beyond.
Thank you for making this ministry possible!
Nels, Lorrie, and Amy
Pray With Us!
- That restrictions would be lifted
- Protection from sickness for all the students and staff.
- Continued rebuilding of the Compound walls.
- That our travels went well and we are back home safely.
- The building construction has been completed!
- That we are able to keep in contact with everyone.
Nels and Lorrie