John 4:34-36 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work. Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.
Dear Friends and Family,
We had two very major events happen in July at the Virac campus: the graduation of students and the Summer Youth Camp.
In July, eleven young people graduated from Trinity Bible School in the Philippines. These students represent our core purpose of working in the Philippines. From the beginning, we had a vision to help fulfill Jesus’ instruction in Matthew 9:37,38 “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few…pray for laborers.” We are excited to send more laborers into God’s harvest fields.
Following the graduation service, a Summer Youth Camp at the school facility grounds was conducted. The following is a report from our friends and guest speakers from Manila. Rejoice together with us as you read!
Hello Nels and Lorrie,
Summer Youth Camp at Trinity Bible School in Virac, Catanduanes was 5 days from July 17 to 21. It was attended by about 180 young people from different churches in Catanduanes and Palawan.
It was a rich and full 5 days where activities were well distributed, well-organized, and well-planned with outdoor and indoor activities, workshops, and teachings. But the Lord had bigger plans for these young campers.
During the evening services, (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) Pastor Ding preached and at the end of his sharing the Holy Spirit move was so powerful and mighty. On Tuesday night, the Holy Spirit baptized with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Most of them fell and wept in deep repentance. We knew this because the next morning, a few campers approached us for counseling and the conviction of the Holy Spirit is so strong in their lives. The next evenings were the same move of the Holy Spirit. More and more young campers experienced deliverance, and we had to cast out demons, lay hands on them, until we saw their freedom. On Thursday night was extra special. Other than the powerful night of worship and praying for the campers, we asked the pastors kids to come forward to be prayed for. As soon as we laid hands on the first one, simultaneously the next ones fell down and were slain in the spirit, weeping and crying out to God. Truly, a beautiful, sweet presence of the Holy Spirit, which while writing this report it is still fresh in my heart and thanking God for a wonderful time of visitation.
Usually, after 3 days, young people get used to the environment, or get bored and behaviors and attitudes would come out especially amongst teenagers. But it was different for these campers. As the days went by, they were behaved better, enthusiastic of what’s going to happen next. 180 young people, all cooperative, behaved, and just happy. Water in Virac was scarce during the week. It was normal they said as it was summer. But no one complained, and everyone was happy with the food. Only the Holy Spirit can do this!
Thank you Nels and Lorrie for the opportunity and for a most blessed wonderful time. Our team of teachers were so blessed as well and grateful that they wanted to come back again. We continue to pray for all these young campers, that they will continue to seek God in their lives, and be influencers for His Kingdom.
(Pastor Ding and Mona Teodoro)
John 4:34-38 states in part, our purpose is to do His will and to finish His work…one sows and another reaps. God’s words were being fulfilled this summer with the graduation and youth camp. These events would not have happened but for the faithful giving of many people. They represent you and are a physical product of all those that pray and financially give to the ministry of REAP.
In His service,
Nels, Lorrie and Amy
Photos from left to right-Youth Camp; Group exercise, Basketball! Ministry with Pastor Ding, Sister Mona with the campers.
Pray With Us!
- For new Students for the upcoming year.
- For Government clearance so we are able to build the perimeter wall.
- For all the Teachers and staff as they prepare for the new school year
- For an amazing Summer Youth Camp with a powerful moving of the Holy Spirit.
- For all of the graduating Students.
- For a beautiful new Grandchild!