Greetings from Fairbanks, Alaska where it is easy to tell that it is winter. The temperature is in the teens, there is white snow covering the ground, and the days are short, and the nights are long. This year, Lorrie and Amy left in January for the Philippians and I stayed in Alaska recovering from open-heart surgery. They are enjoying the warm weather as they minister and visit with friends.
Below Lorrie and Amy share some of their adventures in the Philippines:
Last month, we arrived in Manila around midnight and were asked to speak at one of our churches the next day. The small building was packed with people standing outside listening and participating in the service. The praise and worship was enthusiastic and touching. Amy shared about “Being who God created you to be.” Lorrie then shared about the persecuted church and the need for all of us to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in difficult places.
After a busy time in Manila, we left the guesthouse around 2:30 am on our journey to Virac, Catanduanes. Around six hours later, we arrived at the mission house in Virac. We were immediately faced with the usual challenge of cleaning up after the little bugs and critters that made themselves at home in our absence. With the help of the ladies on the compound, we washed linens and did the basic cleaning needed.
I, Lorrie, always love going to the market to buy our fresh foods and vegetables. It is fun to talk to, and share Christ with, the different vendors, many of who have become friends over the years. We also have been able to become friends with many people of the city. One lovely young woman that we have known since she was a little girl was going through a difficult time. I had the privilege of praying with her and witness the power of the Holy Spirit as he worked. We were both in tears as the Lord touched our hearts.
Church in Summit where Amy spoke
Early one Sunday morning, we traveled North on the island. Lorrie spoke at one church and Amy spoke at another village church. After returning that afternoon, Amy spoke at the church that meets on the school grounds. We love going to the churches in the villages and being with our brothers and sisters, many of whom we have known for years. They are always so excited to have us come and they share their best foods with us after the services. The fellowship is very special!
Amy teaches English to the students during the week. Lorrie will speak this week to a group of pastors on the island and at a Valentine’s dinner next week. The attitude of the churches and the people we work with is vibrant and expecting the Lord to move so it is easy to minister by the power of the Holy Spirit! They draw it out of you!
We have new students coming in early for the school year that will start again this June. We interviewed them and heard their stories. It is amazing to hear how God calls and has saved them out of lives without purpose and put a new spark in them to seek after the kingdom of God! We look forward to meeting the other new students that God will bring into our lives this year. We are excited as we prepare to began a new school year. We have a new name, TBS (Trinity Bible School), a new administrator, new curriculum, added skill training, and an active livelihood program on the campus.
Nels, for Lorrie and Amy
Prayers & Praise
Pray for health and continued healing for Nels’s heart.
Pray for protection while traveling.
Please join us in prayer for the students that are already here and the ones that God will yet bring.
Pray also for the staff. Pray that there will be a real spirit of unity and expectancy in 2019.
We hope you are finding peace and joy in the midst of the busyness of the holiday season as you prepare for Christmas! No matter what day Christ was actually born, this is a good time to remember Christ sacrifice for us and His gift of life for all that ask.
In Isaiah 55:12, we are told we “shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace….”
Romans 14:17-19 tells us the “the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he that serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men.” Paul goes on to say in Romans 15:13, “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
David in the often-quoted Psalms 23 tells us that even if we are walking through the valley of the shadow of death we can be comforted. He goes on to say we can enjoy a feast in the presence of our enemies. No matter what you are experiencing in your life or the loved ones around you, He promises we can take hold of His peace and His joy and continue to have hope.
Lorrie and I just returned from the Philippines this past week. We met formally and informally with many people while we were on Catanduanes. There was a general feeling of hope and expectation for the new school year that will began in June 2019. In addition to the academic classes, plans are being made for a tailoring class this coming year and potentially other skill training.
Currently, livelihood projects are being developed and are beginning to produce. We enjoyed farm fresh eggs, pork from one of our pigs, crab and fish from the fish pond, and assorted vegetables. In addition to the projects, we were pleased to see the many improvements on the facility buildings and grounds.
As 2018 comes to an end, we invite you to partner with us as we partner with the Filipino people. Your financial gifts continue to help us make a difference in many people’s lives.
I just read I Corinthians 15:50-58. Simply put, it is speaking of our final victory when we will be changed and our present body will be exchanged for an immortal body. Verse 58 concludes with, “…therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”
Some of you have or are going through very difficult times on your journey through life. God knows and reminds us that our “…labor is not in vain.” We may not see or understand our circumstances at the present time, but whether in this life, or in the life to come we still have the victory in God!
The summer and fall have been busy at the facility in the Philippines. Pastor Allen, our administrator and the staff at the Virac school, continue to oversee the development of the grounds and the teaching seminars. We have had 158 students from a local vocational school attend seminars on our campus in the past few months. Of the students attending, most made decisions to follow Christ. It is exciting to see many secular college students being touched by God. Though most will not end up being full-time ministers as a profession, they will touch their generation for Christ in their respective workplace.
Below are two of the many testimonies from the students attending the “Values Training” seminar at the Virac school:
“I have learned that in every problem God is in the center…I am overwhelmed and thankful because I feel perfectly the presence of God. I learned to thank Him everyday….”
“I have learned that God has unconditional love. We are special because He sacrificed his only child to pay for our sins. I have learned that we are to forgive and forget…especially our family…. I am learning how to love God and have a relationship with Him.”
One of the main purposes of REAP is to see the kingdom of God expanded. We are encouraged to see so many young people choose to become followers of Christ.
On a personal note, for those that do not know, I (Nels) have been experiencing some difficulties with my heart. We are planning to go to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota to have further testing done sometime this winter. Thank you for your prayers!
The summer is quickly passing and here in Fairbanks we are starting to see the gold leaves of fall. Like life itself, the days fly by from the spring of our life with all its anticipations to the summer with its daily chores, to the fall when things slow down a little for many.
In June, Jack Benson, Steve Weis, Gary Woody, and I of the Reap board met in Manila and traveled together to Virac. (Lorrie is also on the board, but she helped Cindy Weis in Florida care for Steve’s aging father.) Below is Gary’s report on the trip.
“It has been a fruitful week in Virac. I knew when we came to Virac that there had been a change in the administrator of the school and there were some new programs being added. Since January, the school staff had built and stocked a fish pond, started a piggery, planted fruit trees and started a vegetable garden.
I didn’t know how many decisions we would be asked to make or the men of God I would get to meet during our brief time in the Philippines. After meeting with several people, we decided to open the school to many more churches. We joined with a local vocational school to do values training. They agreed to send 80 students per month for a two-day Values Training seminar (they have 1500 students in their school.)
I believe the school is in a very good place but needs our prayers as it expands in new directions in the future.”
Since returning from the Reap board trip, many local pastors from other churches have expressed their support for the school and the new administrator. The local vocational school has begun their Value’s Training classes on campus. I am particularly excited about these classes as we will have the opportunity to influence about 1000 young people per year, many who do not know Christ as their savior.
Please pray for the new administrator and his wife, the school board, the staff, and the students as they continue to walk through and implement changes. Though we do not know the future, we anticipate God will continue to lead us as He has faithfully in the past.
Thank you for your support and prayers!
Nels, Lorrie, and Amy
Prayer Requests:
Pray for the new administrator and his wife
Pray for the School Board
Pray for staff
Pray for students
Pray for Nels’ health
Projects at the School: Fish Pond, Crab, Eggs, Chicken and Pigs! Working towards sustainability and livelihood projects!
I recently read a statement that God calls us to be stewards of our lives. As I have pondered that thought, it is easy to see scripture supports it. In Genesis 2:15 we are told God set Adam in the garden and told him to tend and keep it. The word “tend” is sometimes defined as “to cultivate”, or in other words to prepare the ground. “Keep” is to guard or watch over. Adam had a job to do before the fall. In Matthew 13 we are told a parable about four seeds, only the fourth seed produced the desired fruit. And in Matthew 25 Jesus tells us of three men given different “talents” and each was expected to take what was entrusted to him and multiply the talents.
God sometimes gives us an ability, dream, or hope and we wait for its fulfillment. And we wait, and we wait. Nothing happens and we think we heard wrong or for some reason God did not give us what we thought He promised. I believe that sometimes we do not receive because we do not take the seed He has given us and diligently “tend” and “keep” it.
We are told in Ephesians 2:10, “…we are His workmanship created…for good works…” God created each one of us on purpose for a purpose. Are we diligently tending our gardens and being good stewards of what He has given us?
This month we had the privilege of hosting our pastor and family from Alaska, the Hopkins. They led and participated in several meetings in the short time they were here in Virac. Many young people attended two youth services we had and over 200 children enjoyed a Saturday ministry of clowning, balloons, games, and preaching. It is refreshing to see how simple things bless the Filipino children.
A new administrator, Allen, was selected for the Bible school. He just texted me and said he gave away his house to the new pastor of the church he was leaving, fully committing himself to the school. Has God put a seed in your heart to bless another person with the gift He has given you? Maybe He is just waiting for you to step out “on the water” like Peter or like Allen.
At the school facility, our administrator is working with us in developing livelihood projects for the present and future pastors. We are planning to build a fish pond and piggery on the grounds. Work is continuing on the roof of the new chapel. We were able to pour a large portion of the roof and are now waiting for the concrete to dry completely before we remove the forms and start on another section.
Your fellow sojourners,
Nels, for Lorrie, and Amy
Kids Ministry
Kids Enjoying Balloons During The Saturday Ministry
Prayfor the upcoming Graduation
Prayfor protection, as we have had several thefts and break-ins recently