Dear friends,
I recently read a statement that God calls us to be stewards of our lives. As I have pondered that thought, it is easy to see scripture supports it. In Genesis 2:15 we are told God set Adam in the garden and told him to tend and keep it. The word “tend” is sometimes defined as “to cultivate”, or in other words to prepare the ground. “Keep” is to guard or watch over. Adam had a job to do before the fall. In Matthew 13 we are told a parable about four seeds, only the fourth seed produced the desired fruit. And in Matthew 25 Jesus tells us of three men given different “talents” and each was expected to take what was entrusted to him and multiply the talents.
God sometimes gives us an ability, dream, or hope and we wait for its fulfillment. And we wait, and we wait. Nothing happens and we think we heard wrong or for some reason God did not give us what we thought He promised. I believe that sometimes we do not receive because we do not take the seed He has given us and diligently “tend” and “keep” it.
We are told in Ephesians 2:10, “…we are His workmanship created…for good works…” God created each one of us on purpose for a purpose. Are we diligently tending our gardens and being good stewards of what He has given us?
This month we had the privilege of hosting our pastor and family from Alaska, the Hopkins. They led and participated in several meetings in the short time they were here in Virac. Many young people attended two youth services we had and over 200 children enjoyed a Saturday ministry of clowning, balloons, games, and preaching. It is refreshing to see how simple things bless the Filipino children.
A new administrator, Allen, was selected for the Bible school. He just texted me and said he gave away his house to the new pastor of the church he was leaving, fully committing himself to the school. Has God put a seed in your heart to bless another person with the gift He has given you? Maybe He is just waiting for you to step out “on the water” like Peter or like Allen.
At the school facility, our administrator is working with us in developing livelihood projects for the present and future pastors. We are planning to build a fish pond and piggery on the grounds. Work is continuing on the roof of the new chapel. We were able to pour a large portion of the roof and are now waiting for the concrete to dry completely before we remove the forms and start on another section.
Your fellow sojourners,
Nels, for Lorrie, and Amy

- Pray for the upcoming Graduation
- Pray for protection, as we have had several thefts and break-ins recently
- Pray for us as we travel