2 Timothy 2:1-2
You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.
Dear Friends and Family,
We wish you a Christ-filled Christmas this year! Though the world is in so much turmoil, we are thankful we can walk in peace because of what Jesus did on the cross for us. Let each of us be reminded in our own family celebrations that Jesus is the reason for the season. God gave the greatest gift in giving His son!
Lorrie and I are now in the Philippines at the school in Virac, Catanduanes! It has been two and a half years since we were allowed to return because of COVID restrictions. Travel was normal other than taking a required test in Seattle to board the international flight.
It has been a blessing being with our old friends, staff, and students at the school. We are impressed how well the facility looks despite the typhoons that have passed through this past year. There is, and there will be, ongoing work repairing and improving the facility.
Since we first envisioned the school, it was our goal that eventually it would be wholly run by the Philippine nationals. We are seeing the fulfillment of that dream beginning to unfold in the last two or three years. At this time, we still see the need for Lorrie and I and still have the desire to be involved in the general oversight.
Three couples, all former graduates, now make up the leadership team. Together with their families, they live on the campus in homes we have built over the years. Sister Edna is the administrator and is doing a fantastic job coordinating the teaching and activities. Her husband Buboy is overseeing the facility maintenance and often preaches. Brother JoJo is an engineer, but still finds time to help as well as preach. His wife, Connie helps students with health issues as well as teaching classes. Joey continues to pastor a church in a village and oversees the livelihood projects on the school grounds. His wife, also named Connie, is completing her last year of secular college focusing on agriculture and she is the treasurer for the school and assists in teaching. In addition to the on-campus leadership team, we have a school board and teachers made up of friends who are pastors or leaders in their own ministries.
Several of the new students are children or relatives of former graduates. II Timothy 2:2, is one of our theme verses. Nels’ paraphrased version says, the things you have been taught, teach others, and encourage them to teach still others. We are pleased to see the Word being fulfilled at the school!
As this year is nearly passed, we want to thank each of you for your generosity for this ministry. Because of your continued giving, many young people are being trained to advance God’s kingdom on earth. Without you, this work would not be able to continue. On behalf of the Filipino people and Lorrie and I, we thank you very much.
Your friends,
Nels, Lorrie, and Amy

Photos from left to right; Nels speaking, with Connie interpreting, Worship Practice, School Transport, Praise and Worship
Pray With Us!
• For the start of a New Year with all the opportunities and challenges to come.
• For fully funded finances to continue to raise and train up people to fulfill the mission.
• Health and protection against sickness and disease.
• Thank God that Nels and Lorrie were able to travel to the Philippines and Minister!
• For our wonderful Leadership Team that makes everything possible.

Connect with us!
REAP International, Inc.
PO Box 10972
Fairbanks AK 99710