Dear Friends,
The Bible is a book of relationships beginning with God and man in Genesis and continuing throughout the New Testament. God could have created us as one single unit, but He chose to divide us into “families”. All through the Bible He uses terms describing relationships to help explain spiritual concepts. The church is referred to as His bride and His body, each part doing his or her part and each joined to others to complete the body. In our natural body, every part must stay connected to the rest of the body in order to function. As in the natural body so in the spiritual body; we need to connect with others to grow and live life abundantly.
The older I get the more I realize that I need to be aware of the people God puts in our path. Each is an opportunity to share and listen, to help and be helped; to encourage and be encouraged. Sometimes we have the opportunity to choose our friends, but often the people that become our friends are the ones God puts in our paths. We share times together and they become our friends, the ones we are connected to in His body.
We were blessed to have Mike and Marcia from Bend, Oregon, come and share at the Pastor’s Conference and at some of our churches. Their sharing blessed the Filipino people and we enjoyed our time with them sharing past and present experiences. There is an old poem that says, “Make new friends, but keep the old. New found friends like new wine age will mellow and refine…make new friends but keep the old, new are silver, old are gold”.
We are able to be in the Philippines and serve the people primarily because of you, our friends. You are not just supporters, but natural and spiritual family to us. We are your hands extended to this part of the world and you provide strength, encouragement, and natural sustenance to us.
Pastor’s Conference

Our annual pastor’s conference was a great success! Over 20 of our churches were represented together with many church workers filling our building to overflowing. During the week, Mike and Marcia, Amy and Lorrie and I spoke as well as local Pastors. There was a spirit of unity and rejoicing throughout the week.The last day was a divided session. Nels and Mike spoke with the men and youth while Marcia, Lorrie and Amy shared with the ladies.The conference ended with a youth meeting Friday night where over 100 youth listened intently as Amy spoke.
We thank you for all your prayers and financial support!
Nels, for Lorrie and Amy
Praise Reports
• That the Conference was such a success!
• Typhoon diverted away
• Funds have come in to begin construction on the Chapel roof
Prayer Requests
• Safety while Traveling-We have several marathon trips upcoming and need prayer for protection and safety while traveling
• Upcoming meetings in Palawan
• Continuing Finances
• Christmas Outreaches
• Unity