Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
Dear Friends and Family,
From time to time, we like to share with you testimonies from the students at Trinity Bible School in Virac, Catanduanes. In December, Lorrie and I had the privilege of meeting the students attending the school this year and hearing some of their testimonies.
The following are some excerpts from a young lady named Celine. She graduated from the Bible School last year:
“…I grew up in a Christian family with the belief in Christianity. My family always brought me to church every Sunday. But there was a certain time in my life that I diverted my attention to my friends. I stopped attending Sunday services…I treated my friends as my family and source of happiness…I forgot the importance of worship and commitment to God…my parents reprimanded me and rebuked me for what I was doing. They reminded me of the things I have to prioritize and love, it is the commitment to the Lord. I realized my parents were right and I needed to give my best in serving the living God. I also realized that I have to be responsible as Christ’s ambassador.
When I decided to commit my life to the Lord, He brought many changes in my life…the one who was afraid to stand in front of different people was transformed into someone with confidence and boldness specifically in sharing God’s message. When our church pastor asked me if I was willing to study in Bible school, I didn’t hesitate…Thanks to Bible school, I became spiritually determined and dedicated…. He called me for a purpose. He gave me a new life in Christ Jesus…To God be the Glory.”
Celine had a Christian background but nevertheless, like so many walked away from the Lord. Praise God for a pastor and parents who helped guide her to her own relationship with God. As it has been said, there are no grandchildren in heaven – each person needs to have a personal relationship with the living God.
Because of you, Celine had a Bible school to attend and was able to continue her spiritual growth. Only God knows how he will use this young lady to serve Him in the future.
John 4:38 “I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor. ESV
Thank you for standing with TBS (Trinity Bible School).
Nels, Lorrie and Amy
Photos from left to right; Cooking for everyone in the outdoor kitchen, Nels speaking, with Connie interpreting, School grounds with vehicles, Nels speaking, with Edna interpreting
Pray With Us!
• Pray for the students studying at the Bible school. Pray for perseverance, encouragement, and joy as they live together and study.
• Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in each ones life. That they would pursue Him, seek His face and learn to listen to His still, quiet voice.
• For unity and peace to flow over the staff as they minister in the school, in their personal lives and families.
• Pray for new students to be preparing to come to the school this year from other islands also.
• Pray for health and protection against sickness and disease.
• That the staff are working together and enjoying the ministry at TBS! (Trinity Bible School )
• For each one of you who pray for the ministry, staff and students.
• For the incredible staff and leadership team!
• That Pastor Ding, Mona and three teachers are coming to minister at the school next month.